keith smith klsmith2020 at
Thu Aug 16 16:16:12 MST 2007

I have to share this story with my fellow open source / free software folks.

About 3 years ago I resisted a domain  I registered it under my Wild West Domains Affiliate account.  

It sat un-hosted until about 2 months ago when I hosted it to test codeigniter. See for yourself:

Yesterday I get an email from GoDaddy as follows:

- - - - - - - - 
It has come to our attention that a domain name you have registered is infringing upon one or more of trademarks.
As you may be aware, is a registered trademark of  We are writing as a courtesy to inform you that your use of the term "Go Daddy" in your domain name or a domain name that is substantially the same or confusingly similar to the "Go Daddy" mark is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace and would therefore likely be construed as a violation of the trademark.
As a result, we would like to reimburse you for your purchase of this domain and transfer the domain into our control.  
Please transfer the domain name to GoDaddy within 10 calendar days. 

- - - - - - - -

Now I'm no lawyer...  However I was thinking of putting up a BBQ site not a site to compete with GoDaddy.....

They have offered to extend the registration of one of my other domains for 2 years for releasing it and will want me to sign an agreement.  

Of course I do not want to fight with GoDaddy, however I do not want to sign anything either.  I am going to release the domain however I am doing so under duress.

It is not my desire to cause a flame war on this list over big brother and little me.  If we have a philosophical discussion that would be nice though. 

There used to be a lawyer on the list... wonder if he is still around. 



Keith Smith
(480) 584-4772
PHP Programming

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 
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