Aunt Tilly's Linux

Jon M. Hanson jon at
Thu Aug 16 10:40:31 MST 2007

On Thursday 16 August 2007, Chris Gehlker wrote:
> A have undertaken to write an introduction to SFTP for an
> environmental organization. The target audience is unsophisticated
> computer users who might be using Windows, OS X or Linux but who no
> nothing about SFTP. They only need to know how to move one file to a
> server running Linux.
> I myself haven't used a desktop Linux distribution in awhile so I got
> Ubuntu, thinking it would be popular among newbie users. I discovered
> that there is a nice GUI SFTP client built into the Nautilus shell.
> Clearly the easy way to go with documentation is just to explain how
> to accomplish the required task from Nautilus.
> My  question for you all is this: 'Is the Nautilus shell common
> enough on newbie desktop Linux systems that it is reasonable just to
> assume it is there?'

It will only exist on Linux systems that are using the Gnome desktop 
environment. If you were running KDE or any other window manager you would 
not have access to Nautilus by default.

Jon M. Hanson (N7ZVJ)
Jabber IM: jon at
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