OT: video copy protection / copyright infringement

Dan Lund situationalawareness at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 10:09:25 MST 2007

It violates copyright laws the same way that a coathanger violates
personal property laws by being able to jimmy a car lock.
The use they sell (sold) it for is allowed due to consumer rights
laws, whether you use it to distribute illegal copies is another
story... much like copying a tape and giving it to a friend versus
making a copy to use in the car for yourself.

That being said, there are quite a few GUI's that wrap around DVD
rippers and encoders in the open source world.
Granted most aren't terribly windows friendly but I consider that a
Good Thing(tm).
A simple search on freshmeat gives a slew of them:

On 4/23/07, Nathan Aubrey <nathan at paysonlinux.org> wrote:
> I purchased a ADS Tech DVDXpress a while back that I use for transferring
> tapes to divx and dvd, I told a friend about it and they went to wal-mart to
> purchase one. Wal-mart has pulled all of them from the shelves and the
> employees actually said it violated copyright laws and wal-mart was not
> allowed to sell them anymore.
> I don't know if they were making this up or telling the truth, but it doesn't
> surprise me either way. If you are in the neighborhood for this type of
> device, I'd suggest picking one up while you still can.
> The ADS Tech only works in Windows, so I don't recommend this one, but just
> wanted to let you know...
> Nathan
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