photo narrative (was: how to force 'mput' ...)

Josef Lowder joe at
Sat Apr 21 11:45:05 MST 2007

Thanks Jeremy.  Your suggestions work perfectly! 

Now, I'm in the process of figuring out how to batch resize, 
batch rename, batch create thumbnails, and semi-automatically 
(I hope) create a "clean" efficient online presentation of all 
of our travel photos with a narrative with integrated thumbnails 
to click on to see larger images of each photo. 

So far, I've figured out the batch resize, batch rename, and 
(thanks to you) batch upload of photos; and I've found some 
'convert' code for making batch thumbnails. 

For batch rename, found a nifty free program called 'mvb' 
For batch resize, found this nice code:

find -type f -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -r -0 -ixxx convert -resize 800
-quality 50% xxx ./email/xxx 

There is also a 'convert' option for making a frame or border around 
photos ( -frame 6×6+2+2 ), but I haven't been able to get it to work yet.

Do you (or any plugger) have any suggestions for efficiently 
accomplishing the rest of this objective? 

Thanks again, 


On Sat, 21 Apr 2007, Jeremy C. Reed wrote
> On Sat, 21 Apr 2007, Josef Lowder wrote:
> > How can I force ftp 'mput' to upload multiple files without 
> > prompting for each one?  I tried: mput -f filename* but it 
> > does not recognize a -f option to force the uploading of 
> > multiple files.
> The common ftp client on BSD and Linux systems uses the -i command 
> line switch to turn off interactive prompting.
> Or at the FTP prompt, type "prompt" to toggle the interactive 
> prompting used by mput (and mget and mdelete).

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