qwest dsl with old router

George Toft george at georgetoft.com
Fri Sep 29 20:05:30 MST 2006

VDSL does not use pppoe.

George Toft, CISSP, MSIS

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

Darrin Chandler wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 04:25:53PM -0700, Eric Shubes wrote:
>>JT Moree wrote:
>>>I have an old 2wire 1000SW dsl router from st louis.  I'm trying to make
>>>it work with qwest so that I dont have to buy or rent one.  Anyone know
>>>if qwest is using pppoe?
>>If I remember right, I set up a commercial DSL with pppoe, but a 
>>residential one I set up a week ago used pppoa. Both were qwest.
> Qwest DSL comes in adsl and vdsl, and it's by area, not by choice.
> I have adsl and my modem uses ppoa. vdsl may be different or not. The
> Qwest DSL Modem (Actiontec) will do both ppoa and ppoe, which is why I
> thought vdsl *might* use ppoe.

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