Apache CSS problem

Micah DesJardins micahdj at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 03:30:49 MST 2006


I agree with Joshua that it's likely a path issue to the css file
itself, otherwise you'd get at least SOME of your css showing on your
page and if there was a problem with the css you'd get some unexpected
behavior, but it wouldn't stop the whole file from being parsed.

Another good place to look is your Apache error log file.  The
location of that is going to vary depending on which Apache you're
using.  The one that comes with Solaris would be /var/apache/logs or
/var/apache2/logs respectively.  If you're using the Blastwave
distribution it's probably /opt/csw/apache2/var/log, If you're using
Sun Freeware, I know it's installed to /usr/local/apache2 so check
under there for a var/log directory.

If your log file doesn't seem to be showing enough helpful
information, try increasing the level of logging in your httpd.conf
file by changing the LogLevel directive and restarting apache.  The
default setting is at warn but you can increase that up to notice,
info or even debug. (Note - for a production webserver I'd put it back
down to warn when you're through.)

The location of your httpd.conf file is also highly dependent on which
Apache you're using. For the included 1.3.x and 2.x check /etc/apache
and /etc/apache2 respectively.  For Blastwave, it's under
/opt/csw/apache2/etc Sun Freeware's should be somewhere similar.

Good luck!

Micah DesJardins

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