Installing Ubuntu on old hardware

Kenneth madhse at
Sun Sep 24 12:04:42 MST 2006

> They are both turn of the century technology (Year 2000) both AMD500
> 1 has CD writer/floppy/100MB zip, replaceable 20gig hd's, and 256MB mem
> the other has 128MB mem, CD, floppy, fix 14GB HD.
> Here are my questions:
> 1) If a Debian derivative (which I like because of apt-get) does the
> current real or imagined troubles at Debian _Really_ affect Ubuntu?
> 2) With older hardware does anyone see a problem?

I haven't installed on a system with so little memory for a while, but
assuming you use a text installer I don't think you should have a problem. 
For your desktop machine, you may want to look into something more
lightweight than KDE or Gnome, since memory is limited.

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