How to get printing via cups to work with wine?

Josef Lowder joe at
Sat Sep 16 10:10:14 MST 2006

How can one get printing via cups to work with wine? 

According to
"3.3.4. Printers -- Wine can interact directly with the CUPS 
printing system to find the printers available on your system. 
Configuring printers with Wine is as simple as making sure your 
CUPS configuration works." 

But regrettably, this is not proving to be true. 

And searching the 'net, including Google Groups re 'wine' I see 
that a lot of people (but not everyone) seem to have this problem. 

Printing via cups works fine with all of my Linux applications. 
But when I try to print from any windows application started 
via wine (even the simplest, i.e. notepad.exe), I see this error 

   "Cannot print" ... and ... "No printers installed." 

Not true.  Printers are installed and working via cups. 

So, what do I need to do to get wine to see cups? 

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