Testing Mono's compatibility

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 13 22:28:05 MST 2006

--- Joshua Zeidner <jjzeidner at gmail.com> wrote:

I think I'm about to go OT...

>   Does it matter who is 'sponsoring' Mono?  The
> entire project is
> entirely dependent on the edicts of Microsoft Inc.

What is the history of the Java VM? I personally don't
know. Did Sun implement it for every platform? Or were
some platform VM's implemented outside of Sun?

> >
> > I'm not offended, but I don't agree that .Net
> requries
> > no skill.
>   Who is making this claim?

I may have misread that.

>   I've been through this one on the AZIPA list,  we
> can have a 'look
> what I can do!' conversation and start going through
> all the great
> things that technology X does compared to technology
> Y,  but I am
> discussing long term costs and manageability here. 
> In the long term
> Mono is going to be a monster.  And that is how MS
> wants it, they want

Maybe they hope you convert to windows. Personally,
I'd like to use MONO to go the other direction
someday. And 'look what I can do' could just boil down
to I prefer platform X and someone else prefers
platform Y.

.Net a platform based on IL (intermediary language)
code running on a VM that JIT's the IL code to machine
code at runtime. kinda like Java.

MONO is a port of that to linux. I don't know how they
did it. But for me it's like a doorway to possibly
transition my current skills gently to another OS. For
others, they can test some .Net stuff without using

I don't know how they built WINE either, but it helps
me sometimes. I like that about OSS. Freedom to build
something that's useful.. or maybe just to see if you
can do it.

Anyway, a little long winded... 



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