Testing Mono's compatibility

FoulDragon at aol.com FoulDragon at aol.com
Wed Sep 13 17:35:38 MST 2006

In a message dated 13.Sep.2006 17.24.14 US Mountain Standard Time, 
plug-discussion at stcaz.net writes:

>The entire structure of ASP code changed with ASP.NET, but you're feeding it 
escaped >VBScript code that's not even ASP.Net, it's old-style ASP, which 
simply won't work.  What >it's actually doing is copying the escaped code into a 
C# file, then trying to compile that, >and failing because your code is 
VBScript, not C#.

I understand this now.  Thank you.

>Try something more like the following (borrowed from W3Schools example 

I was trying to follow the W3Schools examples, but it seemed like the ASP.NET 
tutorial is one of their weaker ones... like it seems to skip a lot of stuff. 
 I was fooled by the claims that most ASP would work at least somewhat, and 
since my objective is extremely shallow-- basically, read one paramater being 
passed in a GET and then plonk it in the right place of the resultant HTML... I 
didn't think I'd be reaching in the forbidden zone.

Okay, I tried that example, and get

Error message: /tmp/apache-temp-aspnet-0/bbce3785/91530.0.cs(33,22) : error 
CS1041: Identifier expected 
/tmp/apache-temp-aspnet-0/bbce3785/91530.0.cs(33,35) : error CS1041: Identifier expected

"Line 33: Sub submit(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)" is highlighted red, 
in a listing which includes the code sent up and a buncha other stuff beginning 
with a comment about not editing the auto-generated code and 'Namespace ASP'.

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