Why am I not able to install libgcj6?.msg

Josef Lowder joe at actionline.com
Mon Sep 11 12:31:41 MST 2006

Thanks to all PLUG friends who offered suggestions 
for solving the subject subject issue ... but after 
several days of chasing this problem, I still did not 
have a solution ... until I received the following reply 
from someone at MandrivaExpert.com: 

> To install a single package, you can use: 
> "rpm -i --nodeps name_of_package.rpm"
> It won't verify the dependencies. urpmi is better in most 
> cases as it automatically installs all the dependencies.

FWIW, here's a recap of the background: 

KevinO wrote: 
> # urpmi libgcj6-4.0.1-5mdk 
> That should take off dependencies and all.

Unfortunately, that didn't work. 

KevinO then wrote:
> It would work if you had valid sources defined and the file
> was on one of the sources. This information may only apply 
> to cooker, not the stable distribution. Try going to the 
> 'easy Urpmi' website and setting up sources for main, contrib, 
> etc. First remove any invalid sources -> urpmi.removemedia -a 
> http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/

Then tickticker wrote:
> Make sure your sources are good, perhaps it's in the Cooker 
> repository, not base, or heaven forbid PLF (penguin liberation front).
> Also, libgcj.so.6 is different than libgcj6, so you may be trying to
> install the wrong dependency.
> Check your sources, and if you don't know if you are current, use
> http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ to reset them as the previous poster said.

Then I wrote a follow-up note/inquiry: 
> Sorry I'm so dense, but I am still in a fog about what to do here. 
> From the above comments, is this the actual command I need to use:
> # urpmi.removemedia -a
> I have not yet run the above command, but I went to the 
> easyurpmi.zarb.org but could not understand what to do there or how 
> to do it. I saw" "proceed to step two" and a check box for this: 
> "Show specific sources too" 
> But how is one supposed to know what sources to choose. 

I'd still like to know how to do what was suggested here, 
but in the meantime, the suggestion described at the top 
of this message got me past the installation obstacle. 

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