Thoughts on Gentoo

Steven G Wagner digital9ja at
Mon Sep 11 08:50:09 MST 2006

DO NOT put ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" in your make.conf.  It's not the
equivalent of Debian's unstable, it's far worse. Put it in packages.keywords
WITH the specific version number of a package only if you really really
really need the unstable version.  Gentoo doesn't operate like Debian,
stable Gentoo is far more hip than Debian's stable, and when Gentoo masks
packages as unstable, it's really really unstable.

I agree with all this, broke my last system this way and was too lazy to fix
it so I switched to SUSE 10.1. Love SUSE, it's on my notebook right now but
still I'm working on setting up a file/web server right now with hardened

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