Lighter file manager/browser/email

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Tue Nov 21 10:48:45 MST 2006

> I hate it that I can't really have more than one thing on my deaktop w/o 
> having to wait for at least 15 seconds for something new to load. Kernel 
> 2.6 is a memory hog! As such I think that I need to be running lighter 
> weight apps than kmail, konqueror, and konsole. I think I know the 
> terminal program to run (which is xterm) but don't know about the file 
> manager/browser. Could you all give me some advise?

rxvt is lighter than xterm.

pilot (from pine and pico) is a text based file manager.

pine is text based mail client.

Or you may want to use Claws Mail (aka 

> On a related note: what is 'xterm (unicode)'?

Recent versions of xterm have unicode support built into it.

It definitely works for me, as I just tried the example at

I did:

LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8 xterm -fn -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-SemiCondensed--13-120-75-75-C-60-ISO10646-1

And cat UTF-8-demo.txt on the new xterm console.

All of it worked, including Braille, except the Ethiopian did not work for 

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