compile kernel and modules:

Craig White craigwhite at
Sun Nov 5 15:27:08 MST 2006

On Sun, 2006-11-05 at 14:10 -0700, Michael Havens wrote:
> The kernel source was not in the proper directory so I downloaded one 
> but 'make menuconfig' doesn't work.
> <1>
> bmike1 at 0[~]$ cd /usr/src
> bmike1 at 0[src]$ ls
> linux  linux-  linux-  modules  README  rpm
> bmike1 at 0[src]$ sudo make menuconfig
> make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'.  Stop.
> bmike1 at 0[src]$
you don't have to be root until the end when it comes time to install.

you really need a fully baked set of instructions because if you have to
stop and ask a question for each part you don't understand, it's gonna
take you quite a long time before you get there.

the best thing would be to get instructions that track with your
particular distribution since there would be the fewest diversions from
the instructions to the what you actually run into.

Personally, I don't know why you don't spend $10 and get a cheap PCI
sound card.

There is a reason that the standard 2.6 kernels don't have ISA options -
it's called performance. It's basically abandoned code.


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