interesting point about support

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Sat Nov 4 11:49:09 MST 2006

> this article talks about an interesting support problem created by
> distros repackaging software.  And even better there is a proposal for a
> solution and actual action to deal with the problem.

Thanks for the link.

I hit this a lot in my work. Often I have customers that have multiple 
installs of apache and multiple different apache configs. And to compound 
that more I have customers that run multiple instances of httpd also (on 
different ports with entirely different binaries and different 
configurations). Not my idea ... caused by different admins over several 

Some hints:

Use ps to find the httpd (or "apache") running as root. Then look at the 
/proc/PID/exe (on Linux) symlink to find the command line for it. Then run 
it with -V to find configs. Then review those configs for "include" lines 
to track down the other configs.

For example:

# ls -l /proc/2603/exe
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 Nov  4 10:49 /proc/2603/exe -> 

You could run "/proc/2603/exe -V" also too.

Then check out the HTTPD_ROOT and SERVER_CONFIG_FILE settings. Also 
DEFAULT_ERRORLOG is quite useful.

So even if you have a strange Debian or SuSE or other non-standard setup 
you can still find your way.

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