wells fargo

KE7FEG eculbert at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 12:15:55 MST 2006

Who ever started this, did you manually type in
www.wellsfargo.com or from a previously bookmarked in
you browser page try to go there, or are you clicking
on a link somewhere else. Don't mean to sound uppity,
but if you clicked on a link, BEWARE, it might be a
spammer or such. I have used DSL and another distro
with firefox to login to wellsfargo and no problems
THIS MORNING/LAST EVE. Checked the account.

Suggest you get a copy of DamnSmallLinux and check it
out. Not the distro, but firefox gets through to Wells
Fargo w/o any complaints here on two different
distro's. Heck DSL wont send mail from yahoo, but will
go/work without complaints at WF.

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