Notes re Open office & Linux/Win data

Craig White craigwhite at
Wed Mar 8 10:43:12 MST 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 09:57 -0700, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> Vaughn Treude wrote:
> > I switch back and forth a lot, too.  I do whatever I can on Linux, but
> > most clients want me to develop on the dark side.  I normally use Open
> > Office, written to MS Word format or exported to PDF.  But if they need
> > a Word document that's pretty, I copy it to my wife's XP machine and
> > check the document out in "real" Office.  The transition ALWAYS messes
> > up the formatting in one way or another.
> Is OOo version 2 any better than v1 in this regard?
OOo 2 is better in almost every regard but this is too vague to
accurately qualify an answer.

.doc format files are proprietary Microsoft formats and to expect
perfection while saving all your files in the .doc format is probably
not realistic.

I didn't bother installing Office on my Windows machine and use OOo 2 on
both Linux and Windows desktop and it works superbly and I have been
able to exhange .doc/.xls/.pps files with other users without issue and
I think the v2 does a better job of rendering .doc files if that is the

The assertion that Microsoft is the 'real' office or that one needs Word
to make documents that are 'pretty' seems to indicate someone with
prejudice or a < 2.00 version of OOo or both.


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