(OT) Plugger seeking job

Technomage technomage-hawke at cox.net
Fri Jun 23 19:33:08 MST 2006

On Friday 23 June 2006 17:42, Darrin Chandler wrote:
> I don't think we've met, but I hate to see anyone willing to work not
> working, and I hate to see people with FOSS skills not doing FOSS work.
> Can you briefly outline some skills and experience? I'm not a recruiter
> and I don't want "the sell" or a resume. Just some idea of what you
> think you can do and why. Now and then I hear about job openings, as do
> other people here. Maybe something would fit.

well, let me paste an excerpt from my resume:

Installation Technician (Linux) - installation of new Linux operating systems 
on existing hardware (sometimes with shared partitions from other operating 
systems already in place). 

Most conversant with Red hat Software version of Linux (and its variants). 
Other flavors have included: Debian, SuSe, Storm, Trustix, Mandrake, and 
OpenBSD (UNIX). 

Configuration Technician (Linux)- Configuration of the above named systems for 
optimal  performance in hardware and software (including the setup and 
configuration of secure shell servers, Apache web servers and ftp file 
servers). Other basic configurations include SAMBA, sendmail and other mail 
based applications.

Installation Technician (windows) - installation of windows operating systems 
on various  processor platforms (AMD, Intel) from new installation to upgrade 
of older operating system platforms. Such installation may include the 
addition of workstation to an already existing network or basic home 
workstation environment.

Security Technician (Linux) - installation and maintenance of 
IPCHAINS/IPTABELS based firewall systems by use of either scripting or the 
use of "front-end tools" found in any Linux OS. Installation of security 
patches to various system services to prevent unauthorized intrusions or 
exploitation of systems and services.

Security Technician (windows) - installation of firewall (software) systems 
for windows based operating systems. Configuration of same depending on 
particular brand (Norton, Zone labs, etc.). Setup of system policies Under 
the Windows NT environment and installation of required security patches to 
prevent unauthorized intrusion.

Customer Support Technician (Linux) - accept calls or requests for help on 
various aspects of a Linux based operating system (includes troubleshooting 
hardware or software difficulties).

Customer Support Technician (windows) -accept calls or requests for help on 
various aspects of windows systems (including installation of new software, 
upgrading existing software and troubleshooting hardware/software conflicts)

Remote administrator - administration of remote Linux/UNIX systems, upgrades, 
configuration and security patching of required systems and software.

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