How to stop recurring "Welcome" email message in kmail?

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Wed Jun 7 09:27:07 MST 2006

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 09:20:51AM -0700, Josef Lowder wrote:
> Thanks for responding, but switching distros is not really an option for me 
> as none of the three mentioned distros will work with Win4Lin (as far as I 
> know).  Neither will Mepis or Debian or most other often suggested distros. 
> I use Linux 90% of the time and just need to be able to run Pagemaker 
> and Paint Shop Pro as tasks under Linux, and Mandriva is the only Linux 
> distro that I have been able to determine is viable to do that via Win4Lin. 
> Everybody has their favorite distro, but I think Mandriva is much friendlier 
> and much more versatile than others I have seen, and I have had rock-solid 
> reliability with it for more than five years - this minor little annoying 
> nuisance notwithstanding. 
> In any case, I suspect that this may be something that should be fixable 
> within Kmail, so I'm still hoping someone will be able to offer a more 
> practical remedy than throwing out the baby with the bath water. ;)) 

Well, I was joking about switching distros. ;)

Does this recurring email have the same date always? If so, do the
headers show an old date always? If the answer to both is yes, then
perhaps KMail isn't really deleting the message.

If the answer to either question is no, then something is sending the
welcome message over and over. In that case, if nobody here knows then
you probably need to seek help in Mandriva forums or lists.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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