ext2/3 on USB?

Mark Jarvis mark.jarvis at pvmail.maricopa.edu
Sat Jun 3 13:13:19 MST 2006

Thanks for everyone's comments. I now have a USB drive with a FAT and an 
ext3 partition on it. I created them in Linux, but Windows wouldn't 
recognize the FAT/vfat partition until I re-formatted it in Windows. 
Worked fine after that.

One problem: I long ago learned how to diddle fstab so that any user 
could mount & write to a vfat USB, but I can't seem to do it for the 
ext3 partition. The mount process slams the mount point with root 
owner/group and 755 permissions. I can su - & chmod it to 777 and it's 
OK, but I don't think that I should have to do that.  Any suggestions?

FWIW, I'm running CentOS 4 (RHEL clone), updated within the last week.


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