Fedora 5 & KDE SIGSEGV

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Wed Jul 12 19:51:50 MST 2006

On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 09:54 -0700, Daniel P. Stasinski wrote:
> Since there are a few Fedora 5 users on the list, has anyone else been
> getting SIgnal 11 (sigsegv) when exiting various KDE apps?   The main
> apps I notice it in are kate and akagregator.  kjots used to do it too
> but stopped (on all systems) a few weeks ago. 
> I've read that this can be caused by bad memory, but it's affecting
> all of my desktop installations across various types of hardware so I
> don't think its that.
nope - but there has been some discussion about the last round of
updates of kde stuff on FC-5 that I probably haven't installed yet.

try as user in terminal...

$ kbuildsycoca


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