VPS Command Line Tutorials

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 3 20:09:34 MST 2006


rpm -qa|grep ftp

was cool.

It shows proftp which I installed (diddn't really know which one to install.
and it shwed ftp-0...... which I think my be the ftp command.

Thank you for your guidance.

I am hunbled by this stuff.


Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com> wrote: On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 18:11 -0700, keith smith wrote:
> telnet localhost 25 did return sendmail 8.13
> telnet localhost 21 returned connection refused.
> Thanks, that helped a lot.  
> I can't find ftp in rc3.d ..... thinking it was not installed.
> I have not been in Linux for a while.... guess I'll have to find out
> how yumm works.
rpm -qa|grep ftp # see what packages are installed with ftp in name

yum search ftp # list all packages with ftp in name/description in
               # enabled repositories

I ***think*** fedora uses vsftpd as a 'standard' ftp package...

man yum

yum install vsftpd


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