programming on linux

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at
Tue Jan 24 13:41:12 MST 2006

--- Judd Pickell <pickell at> wrote:

> Eclipse has modules for doing Ruby, Python, Tcl,
> PHP, and PERL development
> as well as Java. Great little util. Even has
> components for CVS and SVN.. :)
> 5 minute search on google will get you where you
> need to go depending on
> what you are wanting to do.
> Sincerely,
> Judd Pickell

yeah, eclipse is in the fedora repos so I already have
it installed. It's a nice tool; I'm looking forward to
using it more. I have used it for some static html
stuff on apache.

Shin zen ni rei
Registered Linux user number 403109

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