PostgreSQL interest group

Trent Shipley tshipley at
Wed Jan 11 18:40:47 MST 2006

On 5 January 2006 several interested individuals, dominated by the employees 
of a local Phoenix area company, met at the Lux Cafe to discuss the 
PostgreSQL database.

We decided to meet monthly to see if participation increases.

The group hopes that meetings will feature presentations.  Ideally, 
presentations will alternate between generic SQL problems in PostgreSQL and 
more esoteric PostgreSQL topics.  Hopefully, February 2006 will feature a 
presentation of general interest.

Unfortunately, the Lux Cafe proved too noisy for an optimally productive 
meeting.  Suggestions for new restaurant venues are appreciated.

We also need to pick a date.  First Thursdays conflict with the PLUG 
Developer's meeting.  

The following meeting times are open.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Mondays.
     2nd, 3rd, 4th Thursdays. 

If you want to attend, but have a conflict, please black-ball the offending 

Meetings will start at about 7pm.

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