Dual Boot Question

Mark Phillips mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
Tue Jan 3 10:13:03 MST 2006

I have a machine running Windows 2000. I want to add a second hard drive for 
Linux so I can keep the Windows 2000 drive for games and do some real work on 
the Linux drive. :-). Actually, my daughter wants the games, and I want her 
to do some real work on the Linux drive. I tried running the games under wine 
and they do not work. 

I have setup dual boot drives when both Linux and Windows are on the same 
drive with a common MBR (details are sketchy - it was a while ago). However, 
it went very smoothly and flawlessly, so I have a lot of confidence that I 
can do it again! Where fools rush in.....

Can grub handle booting across drives? Is the solution to my problem as simple 
as (1) configuring the Windows drive as a secondary (slave) drive, (2) adding 
the new drive as the master drive, (3) installing Debian on the new drive, 
and (4) telling Grub (when it asks me) that I also want the option to boot 
off the Windows drive as well? 

If not, then any suggestions??

Mark Phillips
Phillips Marketing, Inc
mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
602 524-0376
480 945-9197 fax

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