OO.o classes

Joseph Sinclair plug-discuss at stcaz.net
Fri Aug 25 13:15:13 MST 2006

This seems to be one area where the OpenOffice community is sorely lacking.  An hour or so searching the web turned up very few training offerings, and only one (http://getopenoffice.org/training.html) seemed even remotely applicable.

That said, Sun does offer some web-based training for StarOffice (OpenOffice commercially branded), and it might behoove the company to talk to their custom training solutions group about putting together an instructor led training (ILT) course for StarOffice for them.


der.hans wrote:
> moin moin,
> do we have anyone in town who can do a great job teaching OO.o classes?
> It needs to be someone who teach to those who don't know anything about
> office suites and their components and also teach to those very familiar
> with other office suite components.
> S/He needs to be able to compare and contrast OO.o with m$ office and know
> m$ office fairly well.
> I have a company wanting to pay for training, but I have no idea who to
> point them at.
> I run into companies that would consider OO.o if they could get training.
> This is the first one that offered to give me time to come up with some
> training.
> I also want the classes for the west side meeting :).
> ciao,
> der.hans

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