help... messed up laptop keyboard in suse 10.1

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at
Thu Aug 24 09:45:32 MST 2006

--- Josh Coffman <josh_coffman at> wrote:

> OK. I installed opensuse 10.1 to try out. I changed
> the keyboard layout to what I thought would work,
> but
> now it doesn't. I can open yast, but the keyboard
> layout windows goes past the bottom of the screen so
> I
> can't slick the button to apply the change. I tried
> some alt keys, but either i didn't guess the right
> ones or its not working.
> anyone know how to change the keyboard layout in
> CLI?
> Or some gui trick to solve my problem?
> THanks
> -j

and no, i can't drag the keyboard layout window up
higher for some reason.

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