OT: Converting Data From PostGreSQL to MySQL

Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. plug at phxinternet.net
Fri Aug 4 15:27:43 MST 2006

I am not that familiar with PostGreSQL and made a mistake in selecting it
for this application.  I can, I am sure move the data.  The issue is the
time it will take me.  Someone that is familiar may be able to do this
quicker than me.  The app also has a way to export data and then re-import
it that I may end up using, I am just not comfortable that it will export
all data.


-----Original Message-----
From: plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
[mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us] On Behalf Of George
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 3:00 PM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: OT: Converting Data From PostGreSQL to MySQL

Shooting from the hip here . . .

MySQL has a dump facility that creates the SQL statements necessary to 
build the database and polupate it.  If PostGres has the same feature, 
it seels to me that you could dump/export PostGres and then execute the 
dump into MySQL.

George Toft, CISSP, MSIS
My IT Department

Confidential data protection experts for the financial industry.

Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. wrote:
> Is there anyone out there that has a lot of familiarity with both
> and MySQL that I can contract to help me with migrating data between the 2
> databases?  I would like some references.
> ------------------------------------
> Phoenix Internet
> Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.
> Operations Manager
> Gilbert.G at phoenixinternet.net
> PHOENIX, AZ  85017
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> IM: phxintgilbert
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