Video upgrade advice

Kenneth madhse at
Thu Aug 3 11:08:57 MST 2006

If you already have the monitor settings, can't you just put them in
xorg.conf? I find myself editing that by hand all the time, as the setup
utilities never do what I want.  And I have a monitor that does not sync
properly at certain resolutions and frequencies, so I have to mess with the
config file to make sure the system plays nice.

--- "Eric \"Shubes\"" <plug at> wrote:

> I have a triple-boot desktop (FC5, CentOS4.3, Ubuntu6.06) that I'm going 
> to put a GeForce6200 card into for running a Viewsonic VA2012wb. I 
> primarily use FC5.
> I have the xconfig settings for the monitor (thanks, Carl!).
> My problem is that kudzu on FC5 segfaults on my machine 
> (
> Any ideas how I'm going to get the 6200 card installed/configured on FC5 
> w/out kudzu?
> Note, I haven't tried anything yet. The kudzu bug has me worried.
> -- 
> -Eric 'shubes'
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