
Josh Coffman josh_coffman at
Sun Apr 9 14:51:14 MST 2006

--- Kurt Granroth <plug-discuss at> wrote:

> Josh Coffman wrote:
> >    I'm going to have a lot more need for using
> windows
> > at home, and I'd like to run it virtually so I can
> > still boot on my beloved Fedora. Anyone able to
> get
> > WinXP running virtually on linux? Ugin win4lin?
> > vmware? xen?
> > 
> > Please help me avoid booting windows.
> Well, you will be booting Windows in any of those
> solutions... it'll
> just be inside of a virtual environment instead of
> having to reboot.
> The only way you can run Windows apps without
> running Windows itself is
> via Wine (or Crossover).  That's highly dependent on
> what app you want
> to run, however,

Yeah, I know I'm still booting Win in a virtual. Wine
just won't cut it for what I need to do. 
> You basically have two or three choices.  Xen is
> *not* a choice yet
> since Windows will not run in it without code
> changes.  That will change
> in the near future with virtualization support in
> the CPU... but that's
> not yet.
> Win4Lin is $80 or so.  I haven't used it,
> personally.  It is reportedly
> quite a bit slower than VMWare for Windows XP.  It
> also has mediocre
> networking support, doesn't support USB devices
> other than keyboard and
> mouse, and no sound or advanced graphic support.  On
> the other hand, it
> is far less resource intensive than VMWare so if
> system memory and the
> like is a premium, then it's a definite candidate. 
> And if you're
> running Windows98 or earlier, than the Win4Lin 9x
> series is quite fast.
> VMWare is likely your best bet.  I run it quite a
> bit.  It used to be
> that you had to pay massive amounts of money to run
> it, but no longer.
> Now you can download the VMWare Server or VMWare
> Player for free.  They
> both work great.  Both will run Windows XP
> flawlessly.  VMWare is a
> resource pig, though, so I would be hesitant to run
> it in anything less
> than 1G of RAM.  You *can* run it in less, but
> again, I don't recommend it.
> Kurt

Good advice on the win4lin vs vmware.
I tried installing vmware server last night, but no

Any advice or articles?

&#9553; j&#8776; 

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