MS tries recruiting ESR

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss at
Fri Sep 9 06:31:00 MST 2005

On Friday 09 September 2005 01:18 am, KevinO wrote:
> lol

Eh, I think ESR read *way* too much into that.  That letter was a 100% stock 
templated "feeler" email.  My wife got that exact same email the other day 
with the exception that it was a different recruiter.  The rest of the email 
was verbatim.  She was a little curious so called and asked a few questions.  
Turns out that the emails are sent out automatically based on some keywords 
they find in online resumes and the like.  The people that respond then go 
through an interview with that level of recruiter and if that goes well, they 
are entered into the official hiring channel (many more interviews, tests, 

So they weren't directly recruiting him and obviously had no idea (nor did 
they care) who he was.  And being "[Microsoft's] worse enemy"?  <rolls eyes>

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