Fema and Plug

Eric "Shubes" plug at shubes.net
Wed Sep 7 12:04:50 MST 2005

Josh Coffman wrote:
> In case people haven't already read these:
> http://trends.newsforge.com/trends/05/09/06/2013235.shtml?tid=152&tid=138&tid=132
> http://trends.newsforge.com/trends/05/09/02/1518222.shtml?tid=152
> ______________________________________________________
> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
> http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/

Thanks for the articles. Looks like these folks are taking the ball:

Any ideas about how we can augment their efforts?
-Eric 'shubes'
"There is no such thing as the People;
  it is a collectivist myth.
  There are only individual citizens
  with individual wills
  and individual purposes."
-William E. Simon (1927-2000),
     Secretary of the Treasury (1974-1977)
  "A Time For Truth" (1978), pg. 237

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