How to change from DHCP to static in IPCop?

Alan Dayley alandd at
Mon Oct 31 12:50:23 MST 2005

Jesus E Zepeda said:
> Hello, Guys:
> I tried to change the initial red interface configuration using DHCP to
> a static IP address.
> I proceeded modifying the /var/ipcop/Ethernet/settings file, but I was
> unable to get it to work.
> The only lines I modified from the file were:
> Is there any other thing I need to change? Is there any dependency?

Don't edit the files directly.  Either on the IPCop box keyboard or via
ssh login, run the command 'setup' to get to a menu.  You will want to
manipulate the "Networking" settings and maybe others, I don't remember
the menus enough off the top of my head.  But, the selections to do what
you want are in there, I think.


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