(WAY!) Off-topic

Mark Jarvis mark.jarvis at pvmail.maricopa.edu
Tue Oct 25 17:48:45 MST 2005

To make a long story short, I need to install Win98 on a newly formatted 
disk in a friend's machine. I have a Win98 CD, but the paper with the 
the Product Code is long gone.

1) Does anyone know of a program to extract the Product code from the CD?
2) Want to suggest a better forum for asking this question? (I don't 
know the Windoze forums & mailists.)
3) From what I've found on the 'Net, there are generic codes out there 
that will work. Also, one person said that he got a list of codes from a 
friend and got a hit on the 9th one. (I've tried 3 so far--struck out.) 
If someone has one or some I can try, I'd appreciate getting them.

Although I don't dare expose this person to Linux, I WILL be installing 
Open Office 2--not a complete loss.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions,


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