Open Source vs. Commercial Software

FoulDragon at FoulDragon at
Mon Oct 24 11:20:47 MST 2005

In a message dated 10/24/2005 10:16:47 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
jason at writes:

>Bottom line: The guy wants to keep his job at *maintaining current product* 
>instead of innovating newer and better product. He's a moron....and the sad 
>thing is, I was that moron 3 years ago.

I wouldn't call that mindset a moronic one.
If it's easier to maintain an existing product, and pays the same, I'll 
maintain the existing product and fight change to the death.

If you're doing it for a living, you want it as easy as possible to reduce 
the possibility of failure and resultant demotion/firing/bad performance review. 
 As a pastime, fine, invent new exciting stuff.

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