"send unencrypted" pop-up notices

Alan Dayley alandd at consultpros.com
Sat Dec 31 12:43:06 MST 2005

Hash: SHA1

joe wrote:
> Recently, I've been seeing a lot of pop-up message from different programs 
> warning me that the messages I am about to send are unencrypted, and asking, 
> 'send unencrypted?" This seems like a great nuisance, and I'm planning to 
> click the box that says, "don't show this notice again" ... but before I do, 
> I thought I'd ask if any/many of you Pluggers are encrypting all or many of 
> your email and other messages sent via the 'net?  

Your description is vague so we need more detail.

What programs are producing these messages?

What are you doing when they pop up?

I have the Enigmail plugin for my Thunderbird email.  You will note that
it is signed but not encrypted.  There are settings where you can tell
it what to do as default or to ask for signing or encrypting.

I have also seen similar warning from Firefox when transitioning to/from
encrypted web pages.  These also can be configured to popup or not.  For
example, I have mine set to not warn when going from http to https but
it does warn when going the other way since I want to know if the secure
connection is dropping.


Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)


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