Why I love Fedora

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 5 08:46:18 MST 2005

  I say stupid things sometimes. Occasionally those
stupid things are actually good ideas that get me
drafted to do them. So I found myself volunteered to
write a survey about a windows program.

  Although I have a windows boot, I really didn't want
to use it. I googled and found out that Wine can run
this program. So I downloaded the install and ran it.
TADA! It worked and I didn't have to boot windows.
Which made me think "Why do I love Fedora?"

  1)  It is easy to use but does not limit me to
sheep-like usage.
  2)  I can do most of the work I need too on a much
cooler desktop than windows.
  3) I don't have to worry about the latest virus,
trojan, or IE flaw that will comprimise your system in
30 seconds.
  4) It's free.
  5) I can switch Window Managers to fit my mood.
(Gnome, KDE, XFCE,..)
  6) Updates are very easy with YUM (or Yumex, or Apt,
or Smart)
  7) Compiling apps from source doesn't require addons
or extra programs.
  8) It's helped me understand O/S's better.
  9) I can brag about my 3-4 year old computer again.
 10) The community support from Fedora and PLUG has
been great!

Thanks to all of you.

Shin zen ni rei
Registered Linux user number 403109

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