PostgreSQL - need help finding resources

Derek Neighbors derek at
Thu Dec 1 16:55:16 MST 2005

Alex Dean wrote:

> I'm also trying to get into Postgres.  The SQL syntax hasn't been  
> that hard, but learning the ins and outs of administering the server  
> has been confusing from time to time.  I'm very familiar with MySQL,  
> so maybe I'm just too indoctrinated in their way of doing things.
> If you find any good lists, forums, etc, post them back here!
Many on this list live and breathe postgres daily.   No reason I don't 
think you couldn't ask questions here.  Would people find a presentation 
on postgres helpful?  If so, what kind of stuff would you like to have 

Derek Neighbors
Integrum Technologies
"Redefining IT"

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