Setting clock to local time

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Thu Dec 1 15:47:41 MST 2005

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Siri Amrit Kaur wrote:

> hwclock --show currently gives me 22:34
> How do I set the system to local time?

Hi Siri,

I have a symlink at /etc/localtime that points to my local timezone file.

You can create (for your timezone) like:

   ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix /etc/localtime

Then use:

   date 12011443
   hwclock --systohc

The format of the date command is MMDDhhmm (Month, Day, Hour, Minute). 
Replace with your correct hour and minute.

  Jeremy C. Reed

  	  	 	 Media Relations and Publishing Services

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