Dual Booting with Windows XP

Victor Odhner vodhner at cox.net
Mon Aug 15 18:30:33 MST 2005

I am trying to understand the fine points of installing Grub on a system 
with XP.
I did it successfully with lilo, but don't understand what I did.

I have gathered that XP has problems with a norml "Free" boot manager in the
boot sector.  I did my current install using instructions that came with
SystemRescueCd, which uses Lilo.  The lilo.conf example is attached below.

So, the questions are:
Q1:  Is there a kind of boot-manager setup that is right or wrong with XP?
Q1:  How is the one below different from an ordinary Lilo setup?
Q2:  How can I do the equivalent using Grub?



Sample lilo config:
  boot = /dev/hda
  map = /boot/.map   <<==  140 kb, looks sort of like executable code
  install = /boot/boot-menu.b     <<== This is an empty file
  delay = 50
  vga = normal
  image = /boot/vmlinuz1
        root = /dev/hda2
        label = sysrcd
  other = /dev/hda1
        label = win
        table = /dev/hda

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