HUGE .xsession-error file

June Tate june at
Mon Aug 15 18:01:20 MST 2005

On Aug 15, 2005, at 11:05 AM, Siri Amrit Kaur wrote:

> On Monday 15 August 2005 10:46 am June Tate kindly wrote:
>> Well, it won't be executed in the .xsession-errors file -- you need
>> to put it into your .xsession file instead (.xsession is typically
>> run like a shell script every time you start X). Also, how do you
>> normally start KDE? From a graphical login manager, or straight
>> from the shell?
> Thanks.
> I use startx from the commandline. It's one of only two commands I
> know...

That's exactly why your .xsession-errors file is so large, then.  
startx redirects all standard error to .xsession-errors and  
reads .xsession to start up your programs (like KDE, etc.). So adding  
the "echo >$HOME/.xsession-errors" to the beginning of it should  
alleviate the problem. =o)

June Tate * * june at

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