Anyone around 18 in the group?

Jared Anderson PluggedIn at TheGoldenEdge.Com
Fri Aug 5 22:03:18 MST 2005

On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 20:25:08 -0700, Victor Odhner writes:
> In 1983 I got to bring a Morris Microcomputer home,
> to work remotely.  It had two low-density single-
> sided 5-1/4 floppies, total capacity in the 300+ KB
> range.  This CP/M machine had a 64KB memory, a
> BDS C compiler, and an editor called MINCE (Mince
> Is Not a Complete Emacs).  It had a 9600 Baud modem
> so I could upload my work to the office.  I have the
> catalog to prove that its list price was about $4,000,
> and the Honeywell VIP terminal it drove listed for
> another $4,000 -- all this was on the end of our dining
> room buffet.  My ten-year-old son spent hours hacking
> on that thing.  He lives in San Jose now ...
> 'Young'ns' -- hrmf.   :-)

Two years after that, I played 'Mario Brothers' on the first Nintendo - I was 7. 
That is as retro as I go....

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