Sun Microsystems?

Gary Nichols
Mon, 5 May 2003 21:32:11 -0700

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 08:38 PM, Victor Odhner wrote:
> A Sun sysadmin and E10k specialist tells me the price is
> about right.  I forgot how many mil he said it was originally
> worth, but it's apparently not being sold by Sun Microsystems.
> Sun won't touch it, and what good is a high-end Sun mainframe
> without support from Sun?

Cool - glad to have some verification on the market price.   That same 
config I believe sold for $3~4MM.  I brand new E15k *starts* at $1.2MM 
right now.  Yikes.

I'm not sure they are correct on support though.  Sun speaks the 
universal language called "CASH".  If you buy E-series gear, you just 
call up your Sun rep, they send out a tech to power the beast up, write 
down some serials, and then you get a large bill in the mail for 
platinum care.   I think it's not IF the support is there... but IF you 
have the wallet to stand behind it.

That sure is a nice machine.  *sigh*