Kevin Brown
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 00:02:25 -0700

To su to root, one must be in the wheel group (borrowed from BSD?)

> Hmm. Nope. It looks right.
> ls -al /bin/su
> -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root        24068 Feb 23 06:56 /bin/su
> I think I remember fixing this on another computer awhile ago. I wish I
> could remember how though. How?
> On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 22:31, der.hans wrote:
>>Am 16. Mar, 2003 schwätzte Bryce C so:
>>>Can someone tell my why I get
>>>su: Permission denied
>>>when I try and su to root on my nice, clean gentoo install?  More to the
>>>point, can someone tell me how to fix this please?
>>Look at the perms on /bin/su. Looks like you're missing some execute bits.
>>It should be 4755, -rwsr-xr-x, with both owner and group being root.
>>Gentoo might've reduced the perms for security reasons. Maybe they're trying
>>to push using sudo.