Xine qestion

Aaron Cordova
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 15:41:28 +0000

There is not alot of documentation that comes with the Xine tarball. I did 
the usual ./configure && make && make install dance and got a nice binary. 
But when I try to compile d5d from captaincss I get an error saying I'm 
missing xine/events.h . I googled the header and found it in some dev-rpms. 
I dont have rpm on my system and I use a LFS system so I have no distro 
website to run too :( I need the events.h file so I can get DVD playback 
from Xine UI. can someone attach it or tell me how to get it. I have even 
scoured the source and havent found the header yet.


Aaron Cordova

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