XUsers - OS X Users Group - Meeting Reminder

Jay plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:45:14 -0700

REMINDER:  The next XUsers (Mac OS X Users Group) meeting is in two weeks -
please mark your calendar. See the XUsers web site for future meeting
details and topics, past meeting notes and information, the XUsers
discussion list, and much more!   <http://www.xusers.org>

**  This meeting's topic is:
**  All about graphics work, font management, icons, and theming for OS X! 
**  Special presentation by Jason Harris, the author of many OS X applications
**  including Chicken of the VNC, Mighty Mouse, and Theme Park - the theming 
**  application for OS X.

Introducing XUsers - the Mac OS X users group!


XUsers meetings are free, open to the public, and always held on the first 
Wednesday of each month. Please mark your calendars:

Who:    XUsers - Mac OS X Users Group
What:   Monthly XUsers Meeting
When:   Wednesday, July 2, 2003 - 6PM
Where:  Coffee Rush - On the South-East Corner of Ray and Dobson in Chandler
        Easy access from the 101 - Take 101 south, exit Ray Road. Coffee Rush 
        is about 2 miles east of 101 on Ray Road.  
Topic:  All about graphics work, font management, icons, and theming for OS X!
        Special presentation by Jason Harris, the author of many OS X 
        applications including Chicken of the VNC, Mighty Mouse, and Theme 
        Park - the theming application for OS X.  

For more information about XUsers, or to subscribe to our free email
discussion list, visit the XUsers web site:  http://www.xusers.org

== Jay Jacobson
== Edgeos, Inc.   --   http://www.edgeos.com
== Automated Information Security and Vulnerability Assessment