Email hosed - bet I'm not the only one!

Jeremy C. Reed
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 18:19:14 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Alexander Henry wrote:

> account.  Get this:  for more than a year after this, I was able to
> recieve and send e-mail through this unpaid Qwest account.  So I was
> accessing Qwest's [stmp|pop] (forgot) through Cox.

If that is the case, it is Qwest's fault to allow non-customers to use
their SMTP. (POP3 doesn't matter.)

> Off the top of my head, this may be handy for a spammer in that they can
> create dozens of e-mail accounts, say on Juno or Roadrunner or Qwest or
> whoever, then create one Cox account, and spam through all the third
> party services.  Slowly each of the third party ISP's will cancel the

If the other SMTP servers allow relaying from IPs that aren't theirs, then
that is their problem.

I can't imagine Qwest or any other legit ISP to allow this. I don't see
how this is possible (since now MTAs deny that by default).

   Jeremy C. Reed