Kernel 2.4.21

James Mabry
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:14:06 -0700

Miles Beck wrote:
>>>I recently upgraded to 2.4.21.  
> Speaking of 2.4.21 I was thinking of upgrading my debian system to this
> kernel. Is there a good site that explains how to do this?
> I have never done this before so would need a failry detailed explanation on
> how to do it.
> I am hoping the new kernel will detect my lan and sound adapter. I have been
> wanting to move to Linux but am stopped cold by my hardware not being supported. 
> Maybe a new kernel will support it.
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Hey Miles,
Debian makes it a cinch all you have to do is "apt-get kernel-package". 
 From there get and unpack the 2.4.21 kernel source. inside the 
linux-2.4.21 directory "make menuconfig" and when you are done including 
the options you want "make-kpkg kernel_image". In the parent directory 
you'll see your new kernel.deb and you can just "dpkg -i kernel.deb" and 
you'll be upgraded.

as for a good site that goes more in depth on this.

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