How To Replace GNOME with KDE

Jeremy C. Reed
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 13:49:54 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, George Gambill wrote:

> RedHat 8.0.  GNOME currently starts at "startx".  Looking at the packages
> installed (System Settings | Packages), I see that KDE was also installed.
> Hot do I tell the system to bring up KDE at "startx" time?

Red Hat comes with a tool called switchdesk. Have a look at its manual

When using startx, startx starts xinit which can use your ~/.xinitrc file.
That file can have "exec startkde" as another way to do it.

(By the way, I think this was discuss on the list recently; have a look in
the archives.)

   Jeremy C. Reed