
David A. Sinck
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:00:36 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth Karl Bielefeldt on 6/11/2003 11:37 as having spake thusly:
\_ Just a security reminder to everyone.  I would really discourage
\_ giving your vacation plans over a public email forum, especially if
\_ you use your real name.  It's an easy thing to do when you're
\_ "among friends", but it is not always just friends that are
\_ monitoring.

Good thing google isn't scanning the archives.

Good thing there isn't an illustrated lock picking guide online.

Good thing your house address information isn't stored online
retrievable "as a matter of public record".

Good thing SS# never appear in court related public records too.

Oh, wait.  Sorry.  Sheesh, 0/4.
